Department of Social Sciences

Department of Social Sciences

About Us

The department of Social Sciences is housed in the School of Education and Social Sciences. The Department caters for the needs of training of sociologists, political scientists and public administrators, criminologists and related fields, community development, counseling psychologists, researchers and other professionals. The courses are tailor made to meet to the ever increasing demand for criminologists, public administrators  and related professionals in the country, especially with the introduction of devolution. The department thus prepares professionals equipped with appropriate knowledge, skills and attitudes to meet emerging challenges in the field of social sciences. The training is offered through postgraduate and undergraduate academic programmes housed in three academic departments. Graduates of these programmes are equipped with appropriate knowledge and skills to identify social problems, formulate solutions to those problems, plan and adopt appropriate interventions, in line with the national needs and emerging issues.

The department currently has undergraduate and post- graduate students in the fields of criminology, criminal justice and public safety, political science and public administration, sociology, community development and counseling psychology interested in different areas of research in these sub-disciplines. Currently the department offers programmes in Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Public Administration, Bachelor of Arts in Criminology, Criminal Justice and Public Safety, Bachelor of Arts in Community Development, Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, Bachelor of Arts in Counseling Psychology, and Master of Arts (MA).

The department takes pride in being in the forefront in inculcating values on national cohesion and integration on  the students as well as inspiring students to rise up to the highest lecvel in their academic endeavors and aspirations.


The vision of the Department is to be a dynamic, inclusive and competitive centre of excellence in teaching, research and community outreach.


The main objectives of the Department are:

  1. To offer academic programmes leading to the awards of degrees in Political Science and Pubic Administration, Criminal Justice and Public Safety, Political Science and Public Administration, Sociology, Community Development and Counseling Psychology;
  2. Conduct research in diverse fields of Social Sciences;
  3. Promote high quality learning and training.

Academic Staff and Specializations

The department has well-trained and qualified teaching staff in all the disciplines. They include Professors, PhD holders and MA Degree holders at advanced level of PhD qualification.  Students in The department provides a conducive learning environment through which students are able to interact with faculty members through lectures, seminars, tutorials, fieldwork and other practical learning experiences.

6th May 2021

Title: Prof. Joshia Osamba

Position: Associate Professor and Head of Department, Social Sciences

Department: Department, Social Sciences

Contact: P.O. Box 1957-10101, Karatina, Kenya


Area of specialisation: Conflict Analysis and Resolution